
Friday 30 September 2022

Challenge #65 - Results

 Good day to you all.  A big thank you for stopping by and joining in with us.

It's time for me to announce the Winner and Top Picks. 

The winner of this challenge is:
#3 Andrea Norris 
The Top Picks are : 

#4 Sweetpea

#16 Crafty

#27 Sharon

#32 MeSi

#57 Wies

#84 Nicolette

#89 Silke

#99 Trijntje

#107 Marie Bingaman 

Be sure to take your blog badges.
I hope to see you over at the new challenge soon.

Happy Crafting xx


  1. Thanks you so much for picking my card, congratulations to everyone else
    Andrea x

  2. Wat leuk dat mijn kaart eruit gepikt is.Bedankt. De andere dames wil ik ook feliciteren met hun topplekje. Groeten Trijntje
