
Thursday 28 January 2021

Challenge #46 Results

Good day to you all.  A big thank you for stopping by and joining in with us. 

It's time for me to announce the Winner and Top Picks. 

The winner of this challenge is:
#104 Maz 

The Top Picks are :-
#8 Christi C 

 #16 Trina P 

#42 Reeta 


 #95 Kleido 

#99 Nick 

#141 Mesi 

#171 Larissa 


Be sure to take your blog badges.

I hope to see you over at the new challenge soon.

Happy Crafting xx



  1. Thank you for choosing my card as one of the top picks!! I am thrilled to be among such talented artists!

  2. Thank you for picking my card in your top picks so chuffed you liked. Congrats to the rest

  3. Thank you so much for picking my card as one of your top picks. Congratulations to all the other top picks and winner. Awesome cards!

  4. Thank you so much for choosing my card as your winner - much appreciated :)

  5. Thank you so much, Lisa! 🎉🎉🎉 Congratulations to Maz and the other picks.

  6. Thanks for choosing my card as one of your top picks!! Congratulations everyone!

  7. Huge congrats to the other winners & thankyou so much for choosing my card
    Stay safe out there
    Hugs Shell xx
